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About Us


Our distinct global network of people, data, and relationships fosters a mindset that enables Easyway Credit Union Bank to identify opportunities, manage risks, and connect dots for our clients in ways that others cannot.

We ethically offer financial services that promote development and economic advancement.

Easyway Credit Union Bank is a global financial services company with $2.6 trillion in assets and operations around the world. We're proud to have a long history with the communities we serve, and we're looking forward to many more years of success.

The strength of a financial institution's assets determines its success. Our Wealth Management culture is one of Our Wealth Management's strongest. In the business world, culture has become a corporate buzzword, conjuring up images of office ping pong tables and cappuccino machines. For us, culture is a common language that we use with every stakeholder with whom we are privileged to work on a daily basis.

This is due to the fact that Our Wealth Management culture defines us. We take that intangible word and turn it into tangible actions, such as employees donating vacation days to a centralized pool for coworkers in need, prompt responses to customer requests (often on the weekend), and allowing employees to volunteer at organizations they care about... on company time. We recognize that culture, like trust, can be a unifying and transformative force when handled carefully. When it is broken, it is difficult to restore and even more difficult to regain.

The same can be said of Our Wealth Management culture. It is Our Wealth Management's DNA that binds Our Wealth Management employees together, inspires us to give Our Wealth Management our all, and enables us to care for Our Wealth Management's most precious relationship... You.

We are a high-quality financial services provider with a constant desire to be the best while adding value to all stakeholders.

Our Mission

We are a team that is dedicated to providing the best possible customer service. We are synonymous with innovation, achieving excellence and superior financial performance, and serving as societal role models.

Our Vision

Our values work together to provide Easyway Credit Union Bank customers with a one-of-a-kind experience at every point of contact with the bank.

Our Core Value